PVP Challenge System

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PVP Challenge System

There is a unique Player vs Player challenge system set up for you to compete in a variety of consentual duels and games.

Use the [checkpoints command to open up the PVP Challenge Gump

  • Challenge
  • King of the Hill
  • Team King of the Hill
  • Capture the Flag
  • Last Man Standing
  • Team Last Man Standing
  • Deathball
  • Team Deathball
  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch

Choose the challenge from the list and target the player you wish to challenge. If the player accepts the challenge, then the players compete

The gump also shows a list of the Top Players Rankings

Game Rules

Capture the Flag rules

The game organizer is responsible for assigning teams and for placing the home bases for each team.

Home bases are placed by clicking the button next to each team entry in the Team Status gump, and then targeting a location. Bases can be placed/repositioned at any time prior to starting a match.

Players capture opponents flags by moving to within 1 tile of the opponents home base when the flag is present. The flag will then be placed in the players backpack and the player will be surrounded with a particle effect in the color of the flag they are carrying.

Flags cannot be placed in containers, given to other players, or placed on the ground.

A player can only carry one flag at a time.

Players score a point by returning to their home base while carrying an opponents flag.

If a player is killed, any flag that they are carrying is returned to its home base. Players will then be autores'd after the specified RespawnTime (default 6 seconds).

If a player remains out of bounds (defined by the arena size) for longer than the allowed time , remains hidden past the allowed hiding time, is offline for longer than the allowed time, or changes maps, any flag they are carrying will be returned to its base.

The game ends when either the target score is reached or when the match timer counts down to zero. The team with the highest score at that point wins and the total purse is divided equally among winning team players.

DeathBall Rules

  • The general rules are similar to a Deathmatch with the following differences.
  • A target score can be specified, which is the total number of seconds a player must spend carrying the deathball to win.
  • When a player picks up the deathball their score will be increased by 1 per second for as long as they carry it. The score will be displayed over the players head and updated in the game gump.
  • The first player to reach the target score wins the match.
  • If a player is killed, they drop the ball at the location of their death, and are automatically resurrected and returned to the game after the respawn delay (6 sec default),
  • Non-participants cannot pick up the Deathball.
  • Scores do not increase while a player is hidden or out of bounds.
  • If a player is disqualified the ball is returned to the gauntlet location and the player is dropped from the match.

King of the Hill Rules

  • The general rules are the same as a Last Man Standing match with the following differences.
  • A target score can be specified, which is the number of seconds a player must spend as king of the hill to win.
  • When a single player occupies the tile on which the KotH challenge gauntlet is placed, their score will be increased by 1 per second. The score will be displayed overhead and updated in the game gump. If more than one player occupies the tile, no scores are incremented.
  • The first player to reach the target score wins the match.
  • Once a participant is killed, they are out of the game. If only one participant remains, they are declared the winner.
  • Any non-participant that tries to occupy the KotH tile will be automatically moved off to a random nearby location to prevent attempts to block the tile.

Deathmatch Rules

  • The player that initiates the game is responsible for adding/removing players, setting game conditions, and is responsible for starting the game.
  • Individual participants must accept the challenge by selecting the accept button in the Deathmatch gump.
  • An optional entry fee in gold that each player must pay in order to participate can be specified. The entry fee will be taken from the players bank account when the game starts.
  • The match completion conditions can be specified as a target score or a match length, or both. If a target score > 0 is specified, then the first player to reach that score is the winner. If a match length > 0 is specified, then the player with the highest score at the end of the match is the winner. In the case of a tie, the purse is split between them. If both target score and match length are specified, then the game continues until one of those conditions is met.
  • When a participant is killed, their score is reduced by one and they are resurrected with full health/mana/stam. The killer has their score increased by one.
  • An optional arena size that defines the valid playing area can be specified.
  • Players that leave the arena area, defined by the distance from the challenge gauntlet, will have a specified amount of time to return in bounds before they will be penalized and respawned at the gauntlet location. This time is 15 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the DeathmatchGauntlet static variable MaximumOutOfBoundsDuration.
  • Players that become hidden will have a certain amount of time to become visible before they are penalized and made visible. This time is set to 10 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the DeathmatchGauntlet static variable MaximumHiddenDuration.
  • Players that are offline will have a certain amount of time to return before they are penalized. This time is set to 60 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the DeathmatchGauntlet static variable MaximumOfflineDuration.
  • Players that change maps are immediately penalized and respawned at the gauntlet location.
  • While a game is being set up, players can accept or withdraw at any time prior to the game starting.
  • Once a game has been started, individual players can drop out of the game by pressing the forfeit button (X) next to their name in the Deathmatch challenge gump.
  • Completed challenge gauntlets will remain for a short period before they decay so that players or observers can see the results. The default decay time is 5 minutes but can be adjusted with the DeathmatchGauntlet DecayTime property.
  • Players are automatically resurrected with full stats after being killed in the match by default. This can be changed by setting the DeathmatchGauntlet AutoRes property.
  • The default interval between killing the same player for points is enforced by default during the match. This can be overridden by changing the DeathmatchGauntlet UseKillDelay property. While you can change this, I would not recommend it due to potential for exploits unless you are running a small non-pvp oriented shard where you dont really care about rankings.
  • Note that the organizer of a Challenge game does not have to actually participate in it. This makes it easy for staff to organize matches.
  • Players can only participate in one Challenge game or 1 on 1 challenge duel at a time.
  • Players can only organize 1 challenge game at a time. Attempting to organize a second challenge game while one is still being set up will result in the first being cancelled.
  • Note that changing game conditions after players have already accepted, such as adding/removing players, changing the entry fee, or arena size, will require that players must reaccept the new conditions.
  • There is no limit to the number of players that can participate in a Deathmatch game by default. This can be changed with the DeathmatchGump constant MaxTeamSize.

Last Man Standing Rules

  • The player that initiates the game is responsible for adding/removing players, setting game conditions, and is responsible for starting the game.
  • Individual participants must accept the challenge by selecting the accept button in the LMS gump.
  • An optional entry fee in gold that each player must pay in order to participate can be specified. The entry fee will be taken from the players bank account when the game starts.
  • Once a participant is killed, they are out of the game. The last remaining participant is the winner. That player takes the purse which is the total of all entry fees.
  • An optional arena size that defines the valid playing area can be specified.
  • Players that leave the arena area, defined by the distance from the challenge gauntlet, will have a specified amount of time to return in bounds before they will be disqualified. This time is 15 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet static variable MaximumOutOfBoundsDuration.
  • Players that become hidden will have a certain amount of time to become visible before they will be disqualified. This time is set to 10 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet static variable MaximumHiddenDuration.
  • Players that are offline will have a certain amount of time to return before they will be disqualified. This time is set to 60 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet static variable MaximumOfflineDuration.
  • Players that change maps will be immediately disqualified.
  • While a game is being set up, players can accept or withdraw at any time prior to the game starting.
  • Once a game has been started, individual players can drop out of the game by pressing the forfeit button (X) next to their name in the LMS challenge gump.
  • Completed challenge gauntlets will remain for a short period before they decay so that players or observers can see the results. The default decay time is 5 minutes but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet DecayTime property.
  • Players are automatically resurrected after being killed in the match by default. This can be changed by setting the LastManStandingGauntlet AutoRes property.
  • The default interval between killing the same player for points is enforced by default during the match. This can be overridden by changing the LastManStandingGauntlet UseKillDelay property. While you can change this, I would not recommend it due to potential for exploits unless you are running a small non-pvp oriented shard where you dont really care about rankings.
  • Note that the organizer of a Challenge game does not have to actually participate in it. This makes it easy for staff to organize matches.
  • Players can only participate in one Challenge game or 1 on 1 challenge duel at a time.
  • Players can only organize 1 challenge game at a time. Attempting to organize a second challenge game while one is still being set up will result in the first being cancelled.
  • Note that changing game conditions after players have already accepted, such as adding/removing players, changing the entry fee, or arena size, will require that players must reaccept the new conditions.
  • There is no limit to the number of players that can participate in an LMS match by default. This can be changed with the LastManStandingGump constant MaxTeamSize.
  • The challenge gump lists the total number of participants in the Players: field, and the number of remaining participants in the Active: field.


  • Points - accumulated or lost based upon PvP kills or deaths, these are used to rank players. Individual and shard-wide standings can be displayed. Amount of Point loss or gain can be made dependent upon the relative Point difference between the players, providing additional incentives for taking on players with higher ranking, and penalties for losing to players of lower ranking. The system can also be configured for automatic point loss if the player does not engage in pvp activity over the specified time window.
  • Rankings - relative Points standing of players on a shard is maintained and can be displayed for individuals as well as for the entire shard (the top 20). If the Item Identification feature of the XmlSpawner2 installation is enabled (XmlSpawner2 installation step 8), the skill can be used to examine the points and standing of other players as well. Using the [leaderboardsave command, shardwide ranking information can also be periodically saved to a specified xml file.
  • Duels - The challenge system allows 1-on-1 consensual pvp between players for points.
  • Challenge Games - The challenge game system supports multi-player consensual pvp games. Current Games: Last Man Standing, Deathmatch, King of the Hill, DeathBall, Team Last Man Standing, Team Deathmatch, Team Deathball, Team King of the Hill, Capture the Flag.
  • Credits - accumulated through PvP kills, these are used to purchase PvP rewards.
  • Rewards - the PointsRewardStone allows players to exchange kill credits that are accumulated through PvP activity for rewards including items, mobiles, or attachments. These can be defined in XmlPointReward.cs. Minimum points requirements can also be specified in addition to credit requirements for each reward. To place this just do an "[add pointsrewardstone"

Commands Supported

[checkpoints - this command can be run by players to report their current points standing including rank, available credits, number of kills, number of deaths, and recent kill list (this is the same as using the item identification skill on themselves if that feature has been enabled through XmlSpawner2 installation step 8)

[pointslanguage language - this command can be run by players to change the language in which points-related text appears to them. English, Spanish, and Portuguese are currently supported.

[showpoints - when players type this it publicly displays their points overhead.

[topplayers - this command can be run by players to list the current top 20 players ranked by points. This can also be invoked through the points gump.

[challenge - this command can be run by players to allow challenge duels for points. Just issue the command and target another player. The targeted player can then accept or decline the challenge. This can also be invoked through the points gump.

[lmschallenge - this command can be run by players to create a last man standing challenge game.

[deathmatch - this command can be run by players to create a deathmatch challenge game.

[kingofthehill - this command can be run by players to create a king of the hill challenge game.

[deathball - this command can be run by players to create a death ball challenge game.

[teamlmschallenge - this command can be run by players to create a team last man standing challenge game.

[teamdeathmatch - this command can be run by players to create a teamdeathmatch challenge game.

[teamkoth - this command can be run by players to create a new Team king of the hill challenge game.

[teamdeathball - this command can be run by players to create a new Team Deathball challenge game.

[ctfchallenge - this command can be run by players to create a new Capture the Flag challenge game.

[seekills - this command can be run by players to allow them to control whether or not they see the broadcast results of pvp kills. This can also be set through the points gump.

[broadcastkill - this command can be run by players to toggle system-wide broadcasts of their pvp-kills. Broadcast is determined by the winners setting. This can also be set through the points gump.

Staff Commands

[systembroadcastkill - this command can be run by GMs to allow system-wide GM override of player BroadcastKill settings. When set to false, no results will be broadcast. When set to true, results will again be broadcast based on players BroadcastKill settings.

[leaderboardsave - this command can be run by administrators to enable/disable the periodic saving of xml and html leaderboard information to a specified file.

[getatt - this is the general command from the XmlSpawner2 package for displaying/modifying/deleting attachments on a target. Just execute the command and target a player to open the attachment list. From there you can open the xmlpoints properties by finding the xmlpoints attachment on the list, and selecting the button on the left, or display the points gump by pressing the question mark button on the right. This command is available to GMs or higher only.

[addallpoints - this command will add the xmlpoints attachment to all current players that dont have it yet and can only be run by an administrator.

[removeallpoints - this command will remove the xmlpoints attachment from all current players and can only be run by an administrator.

To place a reward stone type "[add pointsrewardstone"